Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science

This major work combined several existing ‘Eyewitness Science’ titles, some of which were written by me, with some new sections and a general introduction. I wrote the new content and acted as a general editor and overseer of the project. The existing books that were included as chapters in this 448-page tome were ‘Eyewitness Visual Dictionary of Physics’ and ‘Eyewitness Visual Dictionary of Chemistry’.

From the Library School Journal:

“Much of this title is a compilation of several previously published volumes. The Visual Dictionary of Physics (1995), The Visual Dictionary of Chemistry (1996), and The Visual Dictionary of Human Anatomy (1996, all DK) have been virtually reprinted page by page, illustration by illustration, and shrunk to fit a smaller format. Other sections include medical science, life sciences and ecology, earth sciences, astronomy and astrophysics, electronics and computer science, and mathematics. Here, the information has been synthesised from earlier books and updated. The life-sciences section includes some nifty diagrams of arthropods, sponges, and plants. In the electronics section, there are diagrams of transformers, conductors and semiconductors, etc. “Mathematics” includes brief cogent descriptions of coordinates and triangles, probability, logic, and other functions, with lots of clear, understandable diagrams. As none of the information is laid out in dictionary format, it is often necessary to consult the index. Useful data such as physics formulas are at the end of the book along with a glossary, an index, and a short biographical list of scientists. If you don’t already have the topical visual dictionaries in your collection, this is a relatively inexpensive way to get all three plus other useful information.”