
  • The Cell … and The Atom

    The Cell … and The Atom

    I was delighted to learn a few weeks ago that my book The Cell, published by the lovely people at Ivy Press, in association with Chicago University Press, is a finalist in the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s ‘Excellence in Science Books Prize’. The other finalists are amazing, so just being picked is a great honour.…

  • The Cell

    The Cell

    I’m very excited to say that ‘The Cell’ is the number one bestseller in cell biology on amazon.com. Will check out how it’s doing elsewhere – and hope we can get this book into the hands of as many ‘inspirable’ minds as possible, so they might knowledgeably appreciate the beauty of what goes on inside every living cell.  

  • Intricate wonders …

    Intricate wonders …

    “A cell is just a mixture of molecules, a cocktail of chemicals, inside a little bag. Despite the unambitious simplicity of that description, and the tiny size of a typical cell, intricate wonders lie within.” – from the introduction of ‘The Cell’ by Jack Challoner. Publication date about one month away. http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1782402071  

  • Incredible inner life of cells …

    Incredible inner life of cells …

    Check out this realistic animation of the action at cellular level – amazing to think this is happening inside you right now. It was produced by scientists at Harvard in 2007, as part of a project called ‘Biovisions‘.   Here’s an embedded YouTube version, but do visit the actual site for a better resolution and…