Explaining Science Publishing

  • Rhyme & Reason: How Do We See?

    Rhyme & Reason: How Do We See?

    Rhyme & Reason is a series of books about science … written in rhyme. How Do We See? explains our sense of sight: how light is produced by light sources, then travels at high speed, bounces off objects and then into our eyes … and how our eyes and brain produce images in our minds. …

  • The Diary of Curious Cuthbert (2nd edition)

    The Diary of Curious Cuthbert (2nd edition)

    The second edition of the ever popular story of scientist, inventor and thinker Cuthbert Armeeni – told entirely in rhyme. With improved layout and additional drawings by Kate Cragoe Mayfield. Cuthbert lives in a land where people use satellites to predict the weather but no one knows that germs cause disease; where calendars can skip…

  • Rhyme & Reason: Why Do Things Fall Down?

    Rhyme & Reason: Why Do Things Fall Down?

    Rhyme & Reason is a series of books about science … written in rhyme. Why Do Things Fall Down? explains the force of gravity. It features mass and weight, floating and sinking and the orbit of the Moon around Earth – and the orbit of Earth around the Sun. Be ready to learn about the…

  • Rhyme & Reason: What is Water?

    Rhyme & Reason: What is Water?

    Rhyme & Reason is a series of books about science … written in rhyme. What is Water? explains what water is made of and how it behaves. It features evaporation, condensation, freezing and the water cycle. Be ready to learn about water molecules. Links to buy: Amazon (UK – paperback only); Great British Bookshop (hardback…

  • Above and Below: Modern Physics for Everyone

    Above and Below: Modern Physics for Everyone

    A celebration of how much modern physics can tell us about the remarkable universe in which we live. Jack Challoner explains weighty concepts with clarity and depth, introducing readers to everything from quantum chromodynamics to cosmology. Authoritative yet accessible in style, Above and Below will inspire and engage curious readers with or without a science…