• Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science

    Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science

    This major work combined several existing ‘Eyewitness Science’ titles, some of which were written by me, with some new sections and a general introduction. I wrote the new content and acted as a general editor and overseer of the project. The existing books that were included as chapters in this 448-page tome were ‘Eyewitness Visual…

  • What’s the Big Idea: Alien Life

    What’s the Big Idea: Alien Life

    “The answer is in here” suggests the subtitle of this book! Like its sibling title, ‘What’s the Big Idea: Artificial Intelligence’, this book was great fun to write. Working closely with the brilliant illustrator, Andrew McLynn, was a real pleasure, and explaining the history of attempts to make computers intelligent was a challenge I took…

  • Magnets Detective File (activity pack)

    Magnets Detective File (activity pack)

    This was an unusual project. Working closely with the editors on this book was a great experience, because we had to decide what physical components we could realistically include with the book. We decided on a few small magnets, some wires and even an electric motor. This was a real creative endeavour, with illustrations, stories…